In Dialogues with the Heritage of the Masters: Viktor Kosenko in the Source Studies of Kira Shamayeva




source studies of Kira Shamayeva, life work of Viktor Kosenko, archival heritage of the composer


The relevance of the article is determined by the modern demand for preservation and in-depth study of national cultural heritage embodied in the individual experience of its creators. A significant contribution to the practical implementation of this problem is the long-term archival and search activity of K. I. Shamayeva. One of the central places in her source studies interests belongs to the classics of Ukrainian music of the 20th century, the exceptionally gifted musician V. S. Kosenko. The insufficient study of the composer's heritage is explained by the lack of research of his personal archive, music manuscripts and epistolary, and the lack of family documents. This requires a review and a modern approach to the artist's heritage on the basis of the latest historiographical science, reference to archival primary sources and the existing experience of their processing. The scientific novelty of the research is determined by the actualization of the source studies of K. Shamaieva, dedicated to the archival heritage of V. Kosenko and outstanding masters of national culture. In this perspective, the activity of the researcher was not yet the subject of a separate scientific discourse. The purpose of the investigation is to reveal the main stage works of K. Shamayeva, to analyze the problematic content and informative content of the found archival facts and documents. The methodological basis of the study was comparative-historical, analytical and biographical methods, which allowed us to classify K. Shamayeva's source studies and reveal their dynamics. The research revealed the process of developing scientific interest in K. Shamayeva's heritage of V. Kosenko. The stimulus was her practical pianistic activity, deep listening to the composer's music, followed by learning about the essential features of V. Kosenko, the musician, the person. This prompted immersion in archival materials, careful study of documentary evidence of contemporaries, and cultural context. From the first empirical posts, the following explorations of K. Shamayeva expand to personological studies of source studies, issues of musical regionalism, biography in the understanding of national musical culture and its outstanding Masters.

Conclusions. The analysis of K. Shamayeva's source studies, dedicated to the figure of V. Kosenko, shows how the author's method and approach to collecting, selecting, and systematizing archival data is being improved. In the researcher's field of vision, there are direct and indirect, handwritten and printed sources, sheet music and verbal texts, biographical facts, testimonies of contemporaries, which are diverse in terms of types and information content. In them, through archival data, a kind of "increase of meanings" occurs in the source-based knowledge of the composer's heritage. The little-known or previously silenced facts discovered by K. Shamayeva, their verification, introduction into scientific circulation open the prospect of further scientific research into the life of the composer; provide grounds for the creation of an objective biography of V. Kosenko, awareness of the complex inner world of a brilliantly gifted musician.

Author Biography

Olena Taranchenko, Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine

Candidate (PhD) of Art Studies, Associate professor


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