Update of the Source Science Heritage of Ukraine in Kira Ivanivna Shamaieva’s Scientific Discourses





source studies, musical art of Ukraine, Kira Ivanivna Shamaieva


The creative heritage of Kira Ivanivna Shamaieva is considered in terms of her source studies achievements. It was established that along with her multifaceted scientific searches in the areas of pedagogy, performance, historical, analytical, and interpretive studies, source studies have a special place. It was revealed that the large-scale work of the researcher was projected on the vector to revive priceless treasures of scientific, factual and informational material aimed to fill unknown gaps existing the historical and artistic past of Ukraine, in particular one of its worthy regions - Zhytomyr region.

The purpose of the publication is to reveal the source science component of Kira Ivanivna Shamayeva’s creative scientific heritage in the perspective of the peculiarities finding during the work with materials and documents of archival and museum funds of Ukraine and other European countries. The article highlights the methodological principles of her investigation as a scientistarchivist against the background of the spiritual and artistic upsurges of the national musical culture, especially in the 19th and the first half of the 20th centuries, including musical education in Kyiv, Zhytomyr, the history and musical life of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, the life of the Kyiv Conservatory in the period 1917–1932, and many other little-known events, facts, and personalities.

After painstaking, long-term work with the source, the most important thing remains for us in the scientific heritage of Kira Ivanivna - the discovery of unknown pages of history, the revival of invaluable layers of scientific, factual, informational material that awaited a brave, inquisitive, caring researcher, who brings out our sumptuous musical and historical heritage, filling the informational space of our science with new factors, enriching our human, scientific experience, teaches us to understand ourselves and the controversial time in which our ancestors lived, we live and our descendants will live.

Author Biography

Marianna Kopytsia, Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine

Doctor of Arts, Professor at the Department of History of Ukrainian Music and Musical Folkloristics


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