Chamber Ensemble Named After Ignacy Feliks Dobrzyński: 20 Years of SocioCultural Communication




chamber ensemble, Chamber ensemble named after Ignacy Feliks Dobrzyński, sociocultural communication, history of music of Volyn and Zhytomyr land


The relevance of the study. Problems of socio-cultural communication in music art are of highest relevance in sociology and music studies, especially, during the war, when it is necessary to preserve all cultural assets of the country.

The purpose of the article: to trace stages of formation and activity of honoured collective representative of Polish culture – Chamber ensemble named after Ignacy Feliks Dobrzyński of social organization Zhytomyr Regional Association of the Poles of Ukraine in the beginning of the XXIst century and had been actively concertizing before the very beginning of the “great war” (February 2022).

In order to achieve the said purpose the following methods were used:

  • of culture studies (historical-genetic, historical-dynamic, comparative);
  • of sociology of music (sociological observation);
  • communicative music studies (content analysis, discourse analysis, functional-communicative);
  • of theory of performing (historical-stylistic, genre, interpretation).

Problem statement. Activity of the ensemble for 20 years has been covered in newspapers, magazines, sites of Zhytomyr Regional Union of the Poles of Ukraine, social networks, TV shows “Slovo polske” [The Polish Word] and “Poliaky Zhytomyrshchyny” [The Poles of Zhytomyr land]. Mostly in genre of announcements, reviews, feedback of listeners.

History of the ensemble and professional assessment of its creative work and social activities became actual only with awareness that important cultural phenomena can exist not only in the capital, but in province as well.

Scientific novelty. Distinctive features of the Chamber ensemble named after Ignacy Feliks Dobrzyński as subject of research is duration and cultural edifying and educational nature of its functioning. Suggested research is the first attempt to trace activity of this group in the said aspect.

Statement of basic material. The article reviews activity of the ensemble starting from its creation at the late XX and early XXI centuries until the last concert that took place before the “great war”.

We have distinguished main spheres of its activity: performing music composers of Volyn-Zhytomyr land; revival of traditions of Catholic Church concerts; social and educational activity.

Conclusions and directions for future research. Chamber ensemble named after Ignacy Feliks Dobrzyński is a rather rare example of self-organization of the collective ideologically motivated. The research perspective could be monography about its activity.

Author Biography

Iryna Kopot, Public Museum of Borys Liatoshynskyi in Zhytomyr city

Ph. D. in Art history, Associate Professor, Director


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