Influence of Western Modernist Trends on Kyiv Music end Theoretical School In 1915–1925 Years




Kyiv music and theoretical school, modernist trends, organization of musical science, doctrine


The purpose of the article is to reveal the scientific ideas of the first in Ukraine center of musicologists, formed in Kyiv in 1915–1925 years. The methodology was formed on the application of historical, gnoseological, formal-logical, systematic approaches using special-historical (comparatives and historical typology) methods of research. The scientific novelty of the article is that for the first time in Ukrainian musical historiography, an attempt was made to analyze the scientific, organizational and musicaltheoretical achievements of Ukrainian musicologists on the platform of a certain philosophical and cultural movement with its transformations in education and science on the example of the Kiev Scientific and Music School of the early twentieth century. The Conclusions. The group of the first professional musicologists in Ukraine should enter the history of Ukrainian music science as the Kyiv Music and Theoretical School. The unifying factor for them were common tasks (building the structure of national music education, searching for the essence of music science and the directions of its research research) and fundamental musical and theoretical principles. Filled with special knowledge and enriched with certain experience, leading figures of musical culture in Kiev in a short time (apprehension from 1916 to 1924) for the first time in Ukraine developed a three-stage structure of musical education of youth (B. Yavorsky), painted ways of development of musical science (B. Yavorsky, A. Butskoy). In its organizational activity, new post-revolutionary opportunities were used, and in scientific research they were based on the world's most common moderator philosophical theories. In the teachings about musical thinking and the structure of musical language B. Yavorsky and A. Butskoy consciously or intuitively embodied the ideas of many leading modernist philosophers in the West (especially E. Husserl, A. Bergson, V. Warringer). Despite the rejection of their innovative views at that time, some of them remain effective and relevant today.

Author Biography

Oksana Hnatyshyn, M. V. Lysenko Lviv National Academy of Music

Doctor of Arts, Associate Professor of the Department of General and
Specialized Piano


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