Historical preconditions of creation of the conservatory of galician music society in Lviv





musical education, Galician Music Society, Conservatory of the Galician Music Society, teacher, Lviv


The article describes initial, «pre-conservatory» stage in the development of professional musical education in Lviv, which led to the establishment of the Conservatory of the Galician Musical Society. Lviv as one of the important cultural centers had actively joined the process of professionalization of musical education. Although the Conservatory itself was opened in the capital of Galicia in 1853, prior efforts to concentrate the city music education in proper institution were made much earlier. Attempts to create the first educational institution belong to F. K. V. Mozart, who founded the Gesang-Institut in Lviv under the Society of Saint Cecilia in 1826. Although the Institute and the Society lasted only incompletely three years – until 1829, they became predecessors of the following musical institutions that were soon founded in the capital of Galicia. It was established that one year after the founding of the Galician Music Society (GMT) in 1838, a musical school (Musical Institute) was opened in Lviv with different departments (classes): violin, singing, wind instruments, cello, double bass. Among the teachers of the school of the first decade we see representatives of different nationalities and different levels of professional training. The first, successful period of the development of the music school of the GMT was characterized by 1848, when in connection with the stormy events of the "spring of peoples" the building of the "old theater" in Lviv was burned down, as well as the most part of precious musical library, archive, instruments of the GMT. The difficult political situation has suspended the Society for almost four years. In 1851, the activity of the Society was restored and it was decided to create a Conservatory, for which the corresponding curriculum was worked out and the charter of the partnership changed. At the end of 1853, the Conservatory began its activities, which lasted until 1939. The historical heir to the Conservatory of the Galician Music Society is the present Lviv National Musical Academy named after M V. Lysenko.

Author Biography

T. Mazepa

Мазепа Тереса Лешеківна – кандидат мистецтвознавства, старший викладач педагогічного факультету Жешівського Університету (Польща), доцент ка­фед­ри хорового та оперно-симфонічного диригування Львівської Націо­нальної музичної академії імені М. В. Лисенка


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