The Perform Strategy of the Valentyn Sylvestrov`s String Quartette No. 1 by the String Quartette named after Mykola Lysenko
String Quartette named after Mykola Lysenko, quartette by Valentyn Sylvestrov, strategy, texture, compositionAbstract
The features of the string quartet No. 1 by Valentine Sylvestrov performance strategy are explored with the aim of identifying the nature and quality of the dialogue in the creation and execution of the opus. The analysis of the performance strategy of the opus by V. Sylvestrov provides for the use of the system method, as well as the method of holistic analysis. The latter is the main one when considering a work. The application of the system method enables to reveal signs of system thinking of performers in the dynamics of the ratio of their interpretation with the author’s text. It is revealed that the performance version of the M. Lysenko Collected Works first of all involves attention to strokes, thanks to which it is possible to achieve a multi-level contrast between the classical chorale of strings in the beginning and dissonant seconds, which from time to time fall into the textural array of the work. In the performance strategy of Quartet No. 1 V. Sylvestrov, musicians of the collective named N. Lysenko is guided by the peculiarities that determine the symphony of the composer’s thinking, in particular his desire to embody the antinomies of man and the cosmos, to realize the musical signs of different times as certain metaphors. They also demonstrate the communicative capabilities of the genre, expressed, in particular, in the tendency towards the equality of all participants.References
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