Ukrainian National P.I. Chaykovsky Music Academy as the Scientific Center of Europe




scientific activity, Аcademy, integration, scientific center


The main directions of scientific activity of the National P. I. Tchaikovsky Music Academy of Ukraine are revealed and characterized. Among the leading spheres of scientific work, the research, scientific-methodical and scientific-organizational, which develop in line with actual European tendencies and requirements of time, are allocated. The priority directions of scientific researches of the Academy are indicated. The attention is focused on the activities of the new advisory and consultative public body of the Academy – the Scientific-Analytical Council, whose purpose is to promote the implementation of state policy in the field of artistic education and science. The importance of the international image of the Academy for conducting numerous scientific and practical conferences on the basis of the NMAU. The international authority of the Academy is constantly growing due to the participation of students, postgraduates and lecturers in scientific conferences, seminars, contests and other events in many countries of the world, as well as participation in the events organized by the NMAU specialists from Austria, Belarus, the Netherlands, Greece, Israel, Italy, Russia, USA, Croatia, Czech Republic and others. It is extremely important for the popularization and dissemination of scientific ideas of musicologists and cultural scientists of the Academy in the world to be the entry of scientific editions of the Academy to the world’s science-computer databases. The importance of accelerating the process of registration of academic scholars of the Academy in the system of Google Scholar, which keeps track of personal profiles of scientists, profiles of scientific editions and scientific collectives, is emphasized. The work of two Specialized Academic Councils for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations (on specialties «Music Art» and «Culturology»), department of postgraduate and doctoral studies, Student Scientific Society has been analyzed. Effective coordination of these sections is the key to continuing the celebrated traditions of training highly skilled specialists in the artistic industry and ensuring the high scientific and creative potential of the NMAU named by P. I. Tchaikovsky.

Author Biography

V. Rozhok, Національна музична академія України імені П. І. Чайковського

Рожок Володимир Іванович – доктор мистецтвознавства, професор, ректор Національної музичної академії України імені П. І. Чайковського, академік На­ціональної академії мистецтв України (Київ)


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