Symbolic elements of the structure in Viktor Kosenko’s Sonata for violin and piano op. 19


  • D. Kharitonova Київська се­редня спеціальна музична школа-інтернат імені М. В. Лисенка, Ukraine



sonata, violin, symbols, creativity of Viktor Kosenko


The musical language of the sonata for violin and piano op. 19 by V. Kosenko is considered. The connection with artistic writing of A. Scriabin, S. Rachmaninov and at the same time with the stylistic features of folklore melodies is analyzed. Parallels with the images of Ukrainian songs "Oi Zhuravko, Zhuravko" and "I will not go viddavati", symbolizing the subconscious expressive complex of national in music are found. The author identified: the Slavic graphic symbol of the "six", which is one of the oldest numerological symbols of mankind, the symbolism of the number "7", the possible color symbology of tonal comparisons, and an allusion to P. Tychyn’s creativity in the Sonata. These qualities are typical for the polystylistic soil of art of the 20- ies of the twentieth century. It is stressed that romanticism, neo-folklore and symbolism are the main sources of the artist’s worldview. The style layers found in the Sonata testify to the fact that the composer felt and embodied the latest Western European tendencies in his work, which gives him the right to call him a modern composer of the 1920s. Endowing Sonata with sacred meaning and content, with a special symbolic intertext, V. Kosenko attaches a new importance to Ukrainian chamber music, bringing it to the same level as the most famous western European works.

Author Biography

D. Kharitonova, Київська се­редня спеціальна музична школа-інтернат імені М. В. Лисенка

Харитонова Дарина Володимирівна –викладач камерного ансамблю Київської се­редньої спеціальної музичної школи-інтернату імені М. В. Лисенка (Київ)


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