Phonemic and lado-intonation analysis of Ukrainian monodic chants of the 17th – 18th century: verbal-poetic and musical patterns




monody, support structure, phonemic analysis, phoneme, lado-intonation analysis, fretboard support


The laws of verbal-poetic and musical development of monody are considered from the standpoint of the phonological and ladaintonational organization of the material. On the receiver of the genre stichera, one of the most popular hymns of the non-linear book by Hirmoloy, the sound uniqueness of not only the musical but also the verbal text is shown. Accordingly, the research of the hymn takes into account the scientific achievements of musicology and literary criticism. In the detailed analysis of the melodic structure of the monodic chant, the intonational analysis is used, which makes it possible to determine the melodic structure of the melodic strings of the stichera. Such elements of the sound organization of the material as the mouth, the main and side frets, unstable sounds help to establish the mood of the composition more easily. Their appearance and repetition delineate the sound space of the hymn and arrange musical accents, that is, set the priorities of the fret tones within the operable scale. The article touches upon the problem of understanding the sound integrity of a composition. All attention is focused on the equality of development of two layers – musical and verbal. And if the disclosure of the specifics of musical development is based on already established forms of monody analysis, then methods from the field of literary criticism are used to analyze the sound organization of the verbal poetic text. In the study of the verbal text, a phonemic analysis is used. It is found that the methodological structure and essence of phonemic analysis gives the full right to use it in conjunction with the lado-intonation. Such an integrated approach allows us to rise to a new level of understanding of the sound organization of monodic chants.

Author Biography

L. Putyatytska, Національна музична академія України імені П. І. Чайковського

Putyatytska L.


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