Historical Information about Greek Chant in the Ukrainian and Belarusian Church Tradition (XVI – XVIII centuries)





Ukrainian and Belarusian church tradition, Greek chant, and historical information


Relevance of the study. Approximately 10 % of the Ukrainian liturgical musical manuscripts of the 16th – 18th centuries contains the tunes accompanied with the remark 'Greek'. In the Ukrainian humanitarian science there is still no special work devoted to the collection, analysis and systematization of the historical information about Greek chant in the Ukrainian and Belarusian church tradition. The reasons for the absence of such research are the complexity of the task and the imperfection of the existing systems for information searching.

The main objective of our study is to present some historical information shedding light on the phenomenon of Greek chant in the Ukrainian and Belarusian church tradition of the 16th –18th centuries presented.

Methodology. The Moldavian governor Alexander Lăpuşneanu’s letter to the Lviv Assumption Brotherhood, the polemic essay “Exegesis” of Sylvester Kosov, “The Travels of the Patriarch Maсarius of Antioch written by his Son and archdeacon Paul of Aleppo”, the Barnaba’s Preface to the Heirmologion of the Manyava Skete 1684, the remarks of the Heirmologion of Suprasl 1601 and the Oktoechos of Kallistrat 1769 were analyzed. Some sources added to the musicological study for the first time.

Results and their significance. The historical information enables us:

  • to find out the ways in which Greek chant was brought to the Ukrainian and Belarusian lands from the Greek East – they ran through Bulgaria and Moldovlakhia;
  • to answer the questions, where and how the Ukrainian singers mastered Greek chant;
  • to raise the question about the reasons for the Greek chant’s appearance and spread;
  • to understand how the Greek chant was perceived, what place it occupied in the religious and social life;
  • to trace the influence of the borrowed eastern chants on the further development of the Ukrainian and Belarusian church tradition.

The scholars’ comments and hypotheses concerning the historical sources and facts were systematized, some hypotheses have been confirmed.

Author Biography

Y. Ignatenko, Ukrainian National Tchaikovsky Academy of Music

Yevgeniya Ignatenko, PhD, assistant Professor of Ukrainian National Tchaikovsky Academy of Music (Kyiv)


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