Becoming of the chamber choir "Kyiv"`s repertoir concept ( on archive materials)




chamber choir performance, chamber choir "Kyiv", creative purpose, repertoire concept, repertoire model


Problems of the repertoire in choral performance were developed by N. Krechenko, G. Parfenova, A. Dondyk, O. Marachev and others. At the same time, the existing publications do not actually cover issues related to the notion of repertoire concept, which we define as a strategic vision of ways to realize the general creative goal of the artistic director of the collective. Therefore, the article is relevance of the study, and the material associated with the identified problem requires systematization and generalizations.

Main objective of the study is to introduce into the scientific circle the concept of "repertoire concept", to discover the causal link between the creative purpose and the repertoire concept of the choir collective.

The author used the following research methods: source study ‒ for studying archival materials, printed sources; historical and chronological – to determine the stages of development of the chamber choir "Kyiv"; analytical ‒ for research of socio-cultural factors of development of the choir collective; generalization method – for summing up the research.

Conclusion. Based on the study of archival materials, discussions with Mykola Gobdych, analysis of the available publications in the periodical press, we have grounds to assert that the Kyiv chamber choir has a clear repertoire concept. The main factor contributing to its formation from the very beginning was the leading creative goal of the conductor and the collective. The ways of its realization are tour and competitive trips, the formation of models of concert programs, creative projects, cooperation with musicologists, editorial and publishing business, work with world record companies and others. These facts are evidence that the Municipal Chamber Choir "Kyiv", with specific, clearly defined artistic goal has built its own infrastructure, which today provides effective team functioning, development and competitiveness both in Ukraine and abroad

Author Biography

A. Sirash, Ukrainian National Tchaikovsky Academy of Music (Kiev)

Anna Sirash, postgraduate student of the World Music Department of the Ukrainian National Tchaikovsky Academy of Music (Kiev)


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