Peculiarities of quotation perception in the world music (evidence from Deep Forest and DakhaBrakha creativity)
quote, ethnic music, folklore, Deep Forest French band creativity, Marta’s Song, DakhaBrakha Ukrainian band creativity, “Khmeleva project” albumAbstract
The problem of developing the musicology toolkit today is a methodological task on the way of studying the world music itself. The need in its development determines the relevance of this study. The main objective of the study is to find out the features of perceiving the quotation on the example of the world music.
Methodology. The analysis of creativity of the world music bands with different time and geographical setting (Deep Forest from France and DakhaBrakha from Ukraine) showed that the bands use similar methods of creating the compositions, which imply the use of the “someone else’s” musical text. To analyze their creativity, the concept of academic musicology called the “quotation principle” is adapted. The issues of quotation perception are considered, which are relevant for the analysis of the music not recorded in the printed music. The features of the perception of the quotation margins are analyzed in the works by Deep Forest and DakhaBrakha on the basis of the audience reviews about their music. The factors influencing the perception of the quotation margins in the music of the said bands are defined.
Results and conclusions of the study. The peculiarities of quotation perception in the world music are that the emphasis is completely shifted to its auditory perception. This fact activates those parameters of the quotation, which allow recognizing it “by ear”. They include not only the identification of its original source, which depends on the peculiarities of its operation in a particular society (for example, identification of Ukrainian folk songs in DakhaBrakha creativity by a Ukrainian listener). Another parameter is the presence of a bright quote margin, because the listener will determine the very presence of the quote depending on how it perceives the stylistic difference between the quote and its context (for example, the identification of traditional folk songs of Transylvania in the reviews on Deep Forest creativity). The significance of the study findings is expressed in an attempt to overcome the methodological problems in the analysis of music, which does not provide for being recorded in the printed music.
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