Lviv composer school, Carpathian folklore, paradigm of composer creativity, poetry of household music, aesthetismAbstract
The main principles of the Lviv Composer School, which were formed on the basis of long specific traditions of cultural development of the region, are considered.
The main elements of the system of regional composer's thinking are determined. They are: the poetization of domestic music, the subtle aesthetic sense of everyday life, salon, sociable genres, decorative, as a manifestation of aestheticism; elegance category as a specific style category of Lviv Composer School, advantage of concerto over symphony, programmability; specific for the Lviv
Composer School is the layer to it of musical thinking and genre models corresponding, which conceal movement, energy, element, efficiency, relaxation, but not structure, rationality, self-absorption. The Carpathian, especially Hutsul folklore, plays a significant role in the work of almost all artists and greater than the other national schools and Eastern Ukraine; the role of spiritual music, which nevertheless absorbs numerous features of secular and theatrical genres, often thought and perceived as a concert, personal, sensual. The influence of specific European centers is being transformed: Vienna, Prague, Krakow and interest in the new, openness to external impressions, to new trends of the artistic process in the world, though careful attitude to radical experiments.
This has led to selective priorities for style trends: in the past, a striking manifestation of Lviv art and Baroque architecture – but modest achievements of classicism, in recent times, interesting manifestations of romanticism, later symbolism, modernity (secession) - but in general the avoidance of expressionism and urbanism, in the present the diversity and peculiar transformation of the trend of the postmodern – but rather modestly presented avant-garde. Lviv Composers' School demonstrates the attitude to music as a harmonious and beautiful reflection of the world, openness to the general public, and not only to a thin layer of connoisseurs, certain skepticism about art that seeks only progress, only epic and rigid experimentation.
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