Children's and youth repertory of the modern musical theater in Ukraine: research problems of the director's concept
Musical theatre of Ukraine, child-youth repertoire, director’s concept, intersectoral approach, musical and theatrical works, children’s operaAbstract
The aim of the study is to determine the degree of research of the repertoire policy of the Ukrainian musical theatres in the context of works for children and youth; to emphasize the role of the director in selecting the appropriate techniques and artistic expressions aimed at young auditory.
The object: children's and youth repertoire of modern Ukrainian musical theatre and its directorial incarnations, the nature of interpretations and their compliance with the young viewers' perception.
The methodology implies the use of a system and analytical method, which allows carrying out theoretical and methodological generalization of scientific concepts, works and proposals of leading scientists in order to find a new scientific understanding of children's and youth repertoire of modern Ukrainian musical theatre. Functional-structural analysis makes it possible to determine the functional component of musical theatre and repertoire focused on the young audience, in particular, to form the principles and values of the influence of theatrical art on the individual. With the help of traditional methods of art research: genre, stylistic, interpretive approaches to directorial modifications of the repertoire in accordance with the modern requirements.
The relevance of the study: exploring the little-studied topic of children's musical theatre in Ukraine, drawing the experts’ attention to the gaps that arise in the process of vector determination in the groups’ repertoire policy. The appeal to these aspects is signified by the need of finding the new directorial approaches if solving modern problems of children's and youth repertoire of musical theatres in Ukraine at the time of global changes in artistic culture. Art education of the young generation of the information technology era is an important component of comprehensive personal development.
Findings and conclusion: the study of the problem of solving children's and youth subjects in Ukrainian musical theatres at the time of modern socio-cultural challenges allows us to state the lack of a systematic differentiated approach to the theme choice, directing techniques, artistic expression which are appropriate for the children's, teenagers’ and youth perception. The review of domestic and foreign researches on the chosen problems testifies to the existence of some separate developments in psychological and pedagogical, culturological, musicological, theatrical sciences. Unfortunately, there is still no comprehensive intersectoral scientific research that integrates the various achievement in order to create an artistically holistic performance for children and youth. The format of directorial incarnations of musical and theatrical performances of the specified repertoire implies the differentiation of directorial approaches to its interpretations in accordance with the peculiarities of the musical drama of works which are focused on the relevant audience. The further research prospects lay in the opportunity to identify examples of relevant works for the re-pertoire of the musical theatre in Ukraine and to establish the relevant directorial concepts that can be embodied in musical and theatrical performances aimed at children and youth audiences.
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