Ukrainian performances of small form operas in the era of the 2000s




small form opera, Ukrainian musical theatre, art and theatre projects


The purpose of the work. The article defines the role of the small form operas in the development of Ukrainian music and drama theatre of the 2000s.

The research methodology is based on key provisions, concepts of music directing, developed during the twentieth century and their diversification in today's realities. Such general scientific methods as art history, history, analysis and synthesis, and comparative methods were chosen to compare Ukrainian productions of small form operas of the 2000s.

The scientific novelty of the work lies in rethinking functioning of small opera forms according to the realities of modern Ukraine and elucidating the factors influencing their modern development and changes.

Conclusions. The role of operas of small forms in the repertoire of Ukrainian musical theatres and artistic-theatrical projects is increasing under various conditions such as: socio-cultural and political conflicts of a new millennium, the role of operas of small forms in the repertoire of Ukrai-nian musical theatres and artistic-theatrical projects is increasing. The modern audience is the part of information society, which exists on its own, often developing at an accelerated pace, and it must be taken into account by the directors of musical theatre when deciding on the repertoire for subsequent staging of an opera. The relevance of the drama of the selected works, ideological and artistic qualities, aesthetic and educational aspects of the opera, as well as the assessment of creative and material possibilities for the realization of the idea of the play are essential, crucial elements that should be taken into consideration in order to ensure effective opera staging and production. In the 2000s, art and theatre projects enriched Ukrainian stage by conducting research and experimenting with the scope and subject of performance as well as with their genre and style, thus confirming and updating small opera forms.

Author Biography

Oleksandr Spivakovskyi, Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine

second year creative postgraduate student of the Department of Opera Training and Music Directing


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Questions of musical theater