Synthesis of Scientific and Creative Picture of the World on the Example of the Genre of Thought in the Research of F. Kolessa and the Composer's Interpretation of D. Sichinsky




F. Kolessa, D. Sichynsky, Ukrainian Dumas, folklore, creative picture of the world


The relevance and novelty of the research lies in the specific nature of the musical tradition in the context of the relationship between scientific and creative picture of the world, especially folk art, which has always been central in the research of Ukrainian historians, ethnographers, folklorists (scientific field), and also was the main vector in the works of many composers: M. Lysenko, K. Stetsenko, S. Lyudkevych, F. Kolessa, D. Sichynsky, L. Dychko, M. Skoryk, and others (creative sphere).

A striking example of this phenomenon is the Duma - one of the brightest "pages" of Ukrainian folklore. Since its inception, this genre has taken an honorable place among the many assets of Ukrainian folk art. Representing a vivid example of a heroic epic, Duma (as well as numerous historical songs, which is stylistically close) is a kind of evidence of the Cossacks, the history of the XVIXVIII centuries, presented in artistic rethinking, creative reflection of kobza and lyric environment.

Research methods: historical - reveals the process of formation of the ethnographic approach to the study of Ukrainian thoughts in the scientific activity of M. Lysenko, S. Lyudkevych, O. Slаstion, F. Kolessa and others. Analytical - the method of holistic analysis of the work allows to reveal the ways of interpretation of the genre of thought by means of the academic musical tradition. Comparative - used to compare the methodological approach in relation to the genre of the Ukrainian Duma in the authentic version and its subsequent composer's embodiment. The conclusions testify to the fact that in the existence of this genre features of both scientific and creative picture of the world, manifested in the diversity and versatility of its sound: authentic documentary recording and composer's rethinking in the author's musical works of the classical tradition. The theoretical propositions are supported by a historical summary that highlights the formation of folklore ethnography in Ukraine. In particular, the personalities of F. Kolessa, N. Lysenko, D. Sichynsky lend themselves to more detailed consideration. Their role in the formation of musical ethnography in Ukraine is determined. On the example of a holistic analysis of D. Sichynsky's "Think about Nechay", the main composer means of the classical academic tradition, expressing the authentic sound of the thought, were determined.

Author Biography

Vitaliy Bolgar, Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine

graduate student of the Department of History of Ukrainian Music and Musical Folklore


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Composer's work and performance