Evolution of piano miniature in the early 20th century (exemplified by V. Rebikov's piano work)





musical art of the 20th century, piano miniature, V. Rebikov's work, performing techniques, style and genre


Relevance of the study. One of the features of the piano music of the early 20th century is traditions overcoming of the romantic style and search for opportunities to go beyond it. Numerous composers of a new generation have experimented with musical language, form and phonic visualization. At the same time, the genre of musical miniature did not lose its relevance, on the contrary, it became one of those piano genres where many musical innovations were tested. The study of piano miniature allows us to consider the evolution of small forms in piano music, the process of style and genre transformation, a gradual transition from the established romantic tradition (including the national one) to a new era, marked by the search for contemporary expressive means. The work study of V. Rebikov, an innovative composer who wrote more than 30 cycles of piano pieces and who made a significant contribution to the development of small forms of piano music, is an important stage on the way to a comprehensive understanding of the musical art evolution of the 20th century. Numerous ideas that were tested in his works found their development in the music of next generations of composers and still remain instant and modern. The study of some of V. Rebikov's miniatures key-cycles, which were important stages in the formation of the unique image of the composer, in the context of the figurative and stylistic genesis trends in the art of the first third of the 20th century, allows, with some assumptions, talk about his work as an example of stylistic and harmonic transformations of their time.

Main objective of the study is to identify the fundamental elements of V. Rebikov composer's style, which are manifested in his piano works of small forms, in the context of the patterns development of piano miniature at the beginning of the 20th century.

The methodological baseline is the methods of historical, systemic, harmonic, style and performance analysis.

Results and Conclusions. Analysis of V. Rebikov's musical heritage, as well as of other composers who did not gain great popularity at their time, proved that there are no composers, whose work can be dispensed with, setting the task of identifying the historical stages in the deve-lopment of musical art, since the value of a particular contribution is determined and will be determined by future generations. Therefore, the study of the work of all composers of the early 20th century is necessary for understanding historical formation of musical art, including piano, as well as for identifying the origins and principles that fed the music of the 20th and early 21st centuries.

Author Biography

Pavlo Mingalyov, Makarenkо Sumy State Pedagogical University

graduate student of the Department of Fine Arts, Musicology and Cultural Studies


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Composer's work and performance