The Concept of Training a Doctor of Art from Music Directing




globalization-integration processes, art culture, musical-theatrical art, music directing, art education, doctor of art


The relevance of the research is due to need to train highly qualified professionals in today's sociocultural challenges, able to generate creative ideas in the implementation of creative projects, able to respond quickly to changes in the market of theater services, to be competitive in the fleeting space.

Scientific novelty - outlining the concept of formation of professional competencies of the artist in the synthesis of domestic traditions and foreign innovations, taking into account the specifics of the mental perception of works by the Ukrainian audience. Main objectives of the research is the process of preparing a doctor of art in music directing in the context of Ukraine's integration into the European educational and artistic space and to determine the specifics of the integrative educational and creative training of the doctor of art in musical directing in the context of world tendencies of musical theater development.

The methodology of the research is the application of a comprehensive intersectoral approach based on the synthesis of systems analysis (the concept of modern directing in a new paradigm of musical theater) and the structural-functional method (algorithm of integrative training of doctors of art in creative graduate school).

Findings and conclusion of the research is the influence of globalization and integration processes has affected the paradigm shift of musical and theatrical art in a positive sense - the information exchange of experience; professional growth of artists; application of art technologies; joint solution of urgent problems; in the negative - the dominance of foreign repertoire over domestic with the priority of foreign language content; commercialization of the theater; changes in value orientations; hedonistic orientation of interpretations of works. Factors influencing modern musical directing are the need to find means of expression for adequate perception of the Ukrainian audience of a foreign text; combining the aesthetic and value aspect with the financial and economic content of the play; inadmissibility of vulgarized interpretations of works; mastering the techniques of artistic reconstruction, authentic, modern, art-technological solution of performances; mastering the specifics of dancers, international and festival projects. The concept of training a doctor of art in music directing involves a creative rethinking of global innovative directing practices on domestic soil, taking into account the peculiarities of the Ukrainian mentality, cultural traditions, and achievements of national educational and art schools with gradual integration into Europe.

Author Biography

Olena Kasianova, Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine

Head of the postgraduate and doctoral studies department, Candidate of Arts, Honored Art Worker of Ukraine, professor of the Department of Opera Training and Music Directing


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Questions of musical theater