Repertoire Policy of Theatrical Centers in Hlukhiv in 1900–1920




Hlukhiv, Hlukhiv district, culture, theater, revolution, World War I, Soviet power


The aim of the study is to systematize the repertoire of Нlukhiv theater centers in 1900–1920 and to identify the main factors influencing its formation.

The object of research is the theatrical centers in Hlukhiv in 1900–1920.

The methodology of research of the chosen problems uses the system-analytical and typological methods. Their application contributes to a comprehensive approach in the analysis of the repertoire of Нlukhiv theater centers in the paradigm of historical, political and socio-economic conditions in 1900–1920.

The relevance of the study. Analysis of the repertoire policy of the theater centers in Нlukhіv is not an urgent problem today. However, this process is an opportunity to identify the main trends in the formation of tastes of the Нlukhiv public, which is a kind of marker of the social and cultural level of development of the population. The study of the choice of repertoire of this period will allow to recreate a holistic panorama of the development of theatrical art in the city, to identify the leading factors and problems that shaped the tastes of the population; to reflect the main trends in the influence of the socio-political situation in the country on public inquiries and the general repertoire policy of Нlukhіv theaters.

Findings and conclusions. Quite conditionally, the repertoire of Нlukhіv's theatrical centers can be divided into groups:

  • plays by O. Ostrovskyi;
  • plays by contemporary writes (late nineteenth - early twentieth century);
  • comedy plays;
  • children's productions;
  • ideologically oriented plays;
  • plays forbidden by censorship;
  • plays on Jewish themes.

The policy of forming the repertoire correlates with the historical background of Нlukhіv in 1900– 1920. The main factors influencing the choice of repertoire can be called: ideological and political (ideologically oriented plays, plays banned by censorship, plays on Jewish themes), consumer (plays by O. Ostrovskyi, plays by contemporary writes, comedy plays).

The problem in the study of the repertoire policy of Нlukhіv's theatrical centers in 1900–1920 is the lack of reference to the authors of plays in the source base, which makes it not impossible to systematize part of the repertoire.


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