Composer and Performance Cooperation as a Communicative System in Violin Art
communicative system, musical communication, performing interpretation, composition, expressivenessAbstract
The research relevance. Unfortunately, in our days we have no fundamental works that would explore the socio-communicative nature of art as a separate scientific problem. In this context, the communication between the composer and the performer has an extremely important, multilevel and responsible mission. Because the co-creation of two artists should be aimed not only at embodying the composer's idea and revealing the individuality of the performer but focused on the listener's perception (of course if two participants in musical communication expect the success of their work among the audience).
Analysis of recent research and publications. Many scientists have addressed the problem of communication in various fields, in particular: Y. Habermas, V. Kashkin, A. Sokolov, F. Sharkov C. Kuli, Y. Kosenko, V. Vladimirov, V. Shirokov, M. Tarasova, O. Berehova, I. Savransky, N. Saprygina, T. Goncharenko, T. Traverse, L. Voevodina and many others.
During the writing of the article were used the printed memoirs of prominent violinists and composers, in particular: L. Kogan, D. Oistrakh, J. Sigheti, G. Rozhdestvensky, S. Prokofiev, M. Skoryk, V. Runchak, etc., fragments from the exclusive interview of the modern Ukrainian violinist B. Pivnenko, which she gave to the author of the article. The scientific novelty.
The scientific novelty is that in the article for the first time in Ukrainian musicology composer and performer co-creation in violin art appears as a communicative system in which both participants of communication equally influence the process of creating a musical composition. In this article you can find the materials that have not been published anywhere before – fragments of interviews with the famous modern Ukrainian violinist, the first performer of many compositions of modern composers Bohdana Pivnenko, about the communication of the composer and performer.
The purpose of the article is to determine the composer's idea about the idea of a musical composition, its embodiment, sound and performance approach to the realization of the composer's idea, the disclosure of the content of the composition and the character of its images; to focus on the communicative side of composition and performance co-creation which is required by modern Ukrainian violin music.
The methodology based on a set of complementary methods: theoretical, method of holistic analysis and comparative.
Conclusions. The complication of the language of modern music today poses the new tasks for performers, requiring new expressiveness. In addition, this is where a special role given to the performer – to make clear the complex work for the listener. In this point of view, the relationship and interdependence between the composer and the performer becomes even more relevant. Further research of the communicative nature of composition and performance will provide a better understanding of its patterns and transformation in the contemporary art space.
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